Serving a world in need

Improve health and well-being
Strengthen communities
Support those in need

Who We Are

We are a dedicated team committed to making a difference. " WE SERVE ! "

Our passion drives us to serve our community with integrity and compassion. Through our collective efforts, we strive to bring about positive change and support those in need.

Our Values

Integrity, Compassion, Service—our commitment to community


We prioritize honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior in all our endeavors, ensuring trust and credibility in Our Actions.


Our club lies in empathy and kindness, driving us to understand and support those in need with warmth and sincerity.


With a deep commitment to community, we actively engage in meaningful projects and initiatives, making a tangible difference in the lives of others through dedicated service.

Beneficiaries Supported

Projects Completed

Hours of Support Provided

Hard Workers

Our Causes


Recent posts form our Actions

Action 21

En collaboration avec le Centre Malaïka et l’hôtel Mandarin oriental, le Lions Club Red City ENCGM a organisé une journée inoubliable dédiée aux enfants atteints de trisomie 21.

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Dong du sang

Le Lions Club Red City, en partenariat avec l'ENCG Marrakech, le CEIRS de l'Université Cadi Ayyad et le BDE Glory, a mené avec succès la campagne annuelle de don de sang au sein de l'ENCG Marrakech.

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Action Iqraa

L'action IQRAA a permis de fournir du matériel scolaire aux élèves du village de Tamaguert, dans la région d'Al Haouz, en soutien aux familles en difficulté.

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